November Chapter Lunch-Geothermal Energy in Iceland, the Land of Fire and Ice. Presented by Pat Kennedy, CFM..

When: 11/10/2022 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Greer City Hall
301 E. Poinsett Street


List of Attendees

First Name Last Name Company Type Guest of
Winston Anderson Spartanburg Community College Facility Manager
Jessica Burgess ISS Facility Services Facility Manager
Deanna Burnette Alfred Williams and Company Associate
Steven Charlton EAS Professinals, Inc. Associate
Steve DeBlois SERVPRO Industries, LLC Associate
Steve DeBlois SERVPRO Industries, LLC Guest-First time
Jay Hamilton Spartanburg Community College Facility Manager
Peter Hummel Cannon Roofing Associate
Patrick Kennedy Spartanburg Community College Facility Manager
Alan King JMP Equipment Company Associate
Peter Luciano US&S, Inc Facility Manager
Tony McJunkin Miracle Hill Ministries Facility Manager
Elizabeth Monts The Schneider Company, a division of SESCO Lighting Sponsor
Stephen Moore Mavin Construction Associate
April Morris Milliken Facility Manager
Rob Nielsen Fusion Sponsor
Tony Stinson ISS Facility Services Associate
JD Taylor Baker Roofing Associate
Greg Williams Landmark Landscapes Associate