Membership is applied through our international headquarters and can be accessed here. Membership includes an invitation to our monthly chapter lunch & learn programs, where you will meet a large sampling of our membership in any given month as well as the following:

Access to:

  • The Upstate SC Chapter of IFMAs LinkedIn group
  • Membership directory in our members only section of our website and membership access nationally
  • Facility tours of local businesses
  • The Facility Management Professional (FMP) program, a knowledge-based credential demonstrating a proven comprehension of basics of facility management
  • The Certified Facility Manager (CFM) program, a measurement of proficiency for competent facility managers and an industry standard
  • The Facility Management Journal (FMJ)
  • FM publications
  • Educational sessions
  • Product and service providers
  • IFMA's online community and knowledge library

An invitation to:

  • Join an IFMA Council and participate in online communities to receive immediate answers to FM questions.
  • Attend IFMA's World Workplace Conference and International gatherings of industry professional seeking education, information and interaction
  • Attend an IFMA Professional Development Seminar, increasing your knowledge and skills as a competent practitioner. 

IFMA is compromised of five membership types.  Read the following descriptions to determine what membership types fit you:


Facility practioners and educators, whose primary responsibilities are to provide, oversee or teach one or more facility management core competencies. Click here for core competencies and examples.

Benefits of professional membership in the Upstate SC chapter:

  1. 50% discount on lunch fee at monthly meeting
  2. Available grants for the CFM exam fee reimbursement
  3. Invitation to all chapter events


Individuals whose primary responsibilities include: business development, sales and/or marketing as a consultant; representation of a manufacturer, vendor dealer, distributor; and/or provider of facility-related products and services. No more than two representatives in the Associate classification from any organization may belong to any one chapter at a time.

Benefits of associate membership in the Upstate SC chapter:

  1. Inexpensive lunch fee at monthly meeting
  2. Invitation to facility tours and social events
  3. Networking with other service providers and facility managers


New IFMA members that are under the age of 35 and new/current IFMA members that graduated from an accredited university or college within the last 12 months at the time of application or membership reclassification/renewal.


Students in full-time study at an accredited college or university. At such time as the member is no longer engaged in full-time study, he or she shall be reclassified to the appropriate membership category. Verification of full-time student status may be required.


Open to members in good standing upon their permanent retirement from full-time facility management practice, business development, sales and/or marketing. Should a retired member return to full-time employment as either a practitioner or in business development, sales and/or marketing position, he or she shall be reclassified to the appropriate category.


Chapter sponsorship is available based on the calendar year. Click here to learn more about chapter sponsorship perks. Our chapter members meet on the third Thursday of the month for after hours networking called Leverage Your Beverage. We have a few months available for companies to sponsor this event. If you are interested in learning more about this sponsorship opportunity, please contact April Morris or John D. Taylor.


As of September 1, 2019, the cost to be a member of IFMA is $239.00. The cost to be a member of the Upstate SC chapter of IFMA, which includes benefits listed above is an additional $92.00. The total annual membership fee for IFMA and our local chapter is $331.00.

Need to request membership from your company? Click here for a membership request letter.



Visiting our chapter during the monthly luncheon is the best way to determine if our association is a fit for you!  We offer free lunches to our first time guests!

Click here if you are a first time visitor and would like a free lunch!