Membership is applied through our international headquarters and can be accessed here. Membership includes an invitation to our monthly chapter lunch & learn programs, where you will meet a large sampling of our membership in any given month as well as the following:
Access to:
- The Upstate SC Chapter of IFMAs LinkedIn group
- Membership directory in our members only section of our website and membership access nationally
- Facility tours of local businesses
- The Facility Management Professional (FMP) program, a knowledge-based credential demonstrating a proven comprehension of basics of facility management
- The Certified Facility Manager (CFM) program, a measurement of proficiency for competent facility managers and an industry standard
- The Facility Management Journal (FMJ)
- FM publications
- Educational sessions
- Product and service providers
- IFMA's online community and knowledge library
An invitation to:
- Join an IFMA Council and participate in online communities to receive immediate answers to FM questions.
- Attend IFMA's World Workplace Conference and International gatherings of industry professional seeking education, information and interaction
- Attend an IFMA Professional Development Seminar, increasing your knowledge and skills as a competent practitioner.